ACTIVE SKY FS Open Beta Update 8942


Тут апдейт для ACTIVE SKY FS завезли. Лог небольшой, но если хотите, обновляйтесь


Update 062524 – B8942 (1.0.8942.22851)

New Active Sky FS Weather Preset name/control added for enhanced compatibility with SimFX and any other add-on that dynamically controls presets while running, which was previously interfering with ASFS weather control
Adjusted temperature handling
Improved depicted temperature horizontal and vertical interpolation (some small variance from conditions layer temperature is expected due to ambient interpolation processes)
Fixed issue where temperatures could be ~10.0C too hot above FL360 in some cases

NOTE: A new Active Sky FS Weather Preset will be added and selected / shown when in preset mode, instead of the previous “Clear Skies” preset. Clear skies (regardless of preset index/order) will be chosen when in preset mode and ASFS application is closed.

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