Fenix Simulations обновили A321


Обновление заменяет двигатель CFM с CFM56-5B2 на CFM56-5B3, обеспечивающий дополнительную тягу в 2000 lbf, что делает его самым мощным вариантом CFM, устанавливаемым на любой A32X CEO. Остальные фиксы ниже:

  • Avionics and Systems
    • Added an lvar for whether jet pumps are installed
    • Switched loadsheets from using the SimBrief planned aircraft registration to the actual aircraft registration
    • Fixed CF track intercept bug
    • Fixed MCDU THR RED/ACC values not being rounded correctly
    • Fixed certain characters breaking the formatting on the DCDU
  • EFB
    • Added persistence of chart zoom levels and positions (just within the current session)
    • Added CFM56-5B3 takeoff performance data
    • Added ability to switch between CDU1 and CDU2 in the Web MCDU
    • Added highlights to mass and balance fields when they will exceed MZFW and MTOW
    • Improved readability of pop-up dialogs in dark environments
    • Made error messages less ambiguous (less “server error”)
    • Fixed differences between system- and EFB-reported green dot speed
    • Fixed map and charts using magnetic heading
    • Fixed incorrect landing wind component in regions with high magnetic variation
    • Fixed flights showing as diverted after a turnaround
    • Fixed callsign being padded to four digits rather than three
    • Fixed malformed UI on planned numbers dialog when cargo input is clicked
    • Fixed EFB charging when PILOT OUTLET CB is popped
  • Flight and Engine Models
    • Replaced CFM56-5B2 with CFM56-5B3 engines on the A321
    • Attempted an autorotation fix
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