AS2012 – SP2 Beta 5


Вышла новая бета обновка для любимого многими погодника –  Active Sky 2012. Список изменений под катом, качаем как обычно из раздела “Downloads” официального сайта.

Revision Log:


SP2 – B4783 – Software


(1) Indicates changes to Public Beta 1 (B4696) from previous

(2) Indicates changes to Public Beta 2 (B4722) from previous

(3) Indicates changes to Public Beta 2B (B4724) from previous

(4) Indicates changes to Public Beta 3 (B4726) from previous

(5) Indicates changes to Public Beta 4 (B4755) from previous

(6) Indicates changes to Public Beta 5 (B4783) from previous




Weather and User Interface


  • New DWC mode handling with “Prevent Cloud Redraws” and “Local Station Writes with DWC” enabled to provide better cloud coverage and accuracy while eliminating cloud formation shifts.  Prevent Cloud Redraws and Local Station Writes with DWC is now ENABLED by default and ENABLED in the IFR/High Alt option profile. (4)


  • New feature/option: Overcast Ceiling Enhancement – When enabled, the lowest overcast layer will be enhanced by adding and modifying complimentary cloud layers – This increases apparent thickness and restriction to visibility with a potential performance penalty – Please see documentation for addition information regarding this feature (1)


  • New feature/option: Reduce Visibility In Cloud Layers (Requires DWC and Visibility Graduation and Smoothing to be Enabled) – When enabled, visibility will be reduced within cloud layers, proportionally based on layer coverage (1)


  • New feature/option: Default Options Profile Screen – This screen will show at startup (can be hidden) and allow you to choose from various default options profiles that provide the recommended depiction mode and settings for various types of flying – Note that choosing a Default Option File will overwrite your current settings – We recommend trying all profiles before settling in on your ideal option set! (1)


  • New enhancements to all depiction modes for better accuracy of cloud and other conditions (1)


  • New official Prepar3D support!  See documentation (initial “Important Stuff” chapter) for more information (1)


  • New Station OIIE added to server fetch and default distribution (existing users must manually add station to data stations or update data station list from server to enable) (1)


  • New Station EDJA added to server fetch and default distribution (existing users must manually add station to data stations or update data station list from server to enable) (1)


  • New Station UASK added to server fetch and default distribution (existing users must manually add station to data stations or update data station list from server to enable) (1)


  • Added additional high performance wx data network server for more redundancy and better performance. (6)


  • Added new Western Pacific tropical storm data coverage. (6)


  • Added more room in Wx Report screen for textual TAF area to permit more than one line when using larger DPI/Font setting (3 lines available in normal DPI setting) (1)


  • Added additional clear weather/reset during refresh as well as completion of synthesis in Smooth Cloud transition mode to prevent “stale” weather during loading of new or altered weather i.e. historical, edited, etc. (1)


  • Added additional handling during AS2012 startup to check and ensure that the “FS haze layer” is properly disabled, in case the user has restored or installed a graphics set that enables the haze layer, causing visibility sync issues with the AS2012 weather engine (1)


  • Adjusted handling of “Load Preset” in Wx Edit screen so that the currently-selected Station ID is used in the loaded preset METAR string (instead of the station specified in the actual preset METAR) (5)


  • Adjusted Flight Plan Navlog section to be multiple-row selectable (previously, you could select only one row) – This is useful for being able to select, copy and paste to external programs (5)


  • Adjusted output rate during “Local Station writes with DWC” to be slightly slower to prevent overloading SimConnect with some aircraft/situations which could result in slow or improper ambient conditions depiction (i.e. temperature) (5)


  • Adjusted DWC Local Station Writes processes in attempt to eliminate problematic temperature depiction/spikes as well as cycling clouds (clearing and re-forming). (5)


  • Adjusted very high altitude temperatures to be slightly colder than previous in SP1 (by approximately 10%) – affects temperatures above 52,000ft only (1)


  • Adjusted handling of single-left click of mouse on the system tray icon, to automatically bring up the AS2012 program – Use right click for the normal context menu (1)


  • Adjusted documentation to reflect option/screen changes (1)


  • Adjusted FSX/P3D native variable wind depiction to not activate until within 1500ft AGL, to avoid potentially large wind direction changes during approach where wind speeds may be higher (2)


  • Adjusted “Overcast Ceiling Enhancement” feature to provide a better overall overcast depiction including thicker clouds and improved performance (2)


  • Adjusted “Start FSX/P3D” tooltip to reference FSX/P3D instead of FSX only (2)


  • Adjusted “Reduce visibility in cloud layers” feature to not reduce visibility in FEW/SCT cloud coverages (will only reduce in BKN/OVC)  (2)


  • Adjusted “Reduce visibility in cloud layers” feature to reduce visibility only up to a certain altitude in cumulus layers to avoid visibility reduction when not actually in the cloud layer (visually) as much as possible – Note: some desync between cloud layer boundaries and visual location with cloud sprites is unavoidable (2)


  • Improved Interpolation system for more weight for closer stations with valid data, and extended the “clone” range to 3 miles (any station without data that is within 3 miles from a station with data will inherit most of its data instead of interpolating) (4)


  • Improved “Force Destination Weather Zone” feature to simply always copy/clone destination weather without any interpolation logic if the destination station includes full surface information (4)


  • Improved AS2012 DWC wind variability simulation for more realistic wind direction changes between approximately 4500AGL and 1500AGL – below 1500AGL FSX/P3D native variable wind depiction becomes active (2)


  • Improved DWC depiction process for better cloud coverages (4)


  • Increased speed and smoothness of visibility transitions (Visibility graduation and smoothing feature) (2)


  • Slightly increased speed/smoothness of wind transitions (DWC depiction mode) (2)


  • Default option changed for “Show in-Sim text messages” – now defaults to OFF (2)


  • Default options changed for Prevent Cloud Redraws and Local Station Writes with DWC – now defaults to ON (4)


  • Fixed problem with XGaugeWizard installation of Xgauge in Quality Wings 757 panels causing problems with Landing View (6)


  • Fixed problem with flight plan import not properly importing user-created waypoints (via FSX flight planner) (5)


  • Fixed problem with hurricane data causing crashing (NullReferenceException) in some cases, when located within the hurricane area (1)


  • Fixed problem with Flight Plan Import on waypoints/intersections using 0.000 Latitude/Longitude (1)


  • Fixed problem with program crash when choosing the “Influence” button on sound items within the graphics item detail screen (1)


  • Fixed problem in Smooth and Standard Mode depiction where closest station might not be properly updated with correct data, causing incorrect FS ATIS reports or improper cloud depiction (1)


  • Fixed problem where conditions might not update properly throughout a flight in Smooth Cloud Transitions mode (1)


  • Fixed locations of stations EGCN and EGSY in locally distributed data station database (1)


  • Fixed problem with crash when clicking on map with stations enabled yet no stations are within visible range (1)


  • Fixed problem when in Standard depiction mode and “Disable Winds Aloft” is checked where aloft winds would mirror surface winds – Now aloft winds are null in this condition (1)


  • Fixed problem caused by some SSD devices causing re-activation issues (reactivation requests should now eventually stop after 1-2 new re-activations after installing this new update) (1)


  • Fixed problem with XGauge Wizard failing to install XGauge into Carenado C208B (1)


  • Fixed problem with “Prevent Thunderstorms with CB” option not working in some cases (1)


  • Fixed problem with using historical weather where invalid date and/or “over 3000 stations ignored” message can appear when using some historical downloads (1)


  • Fixed problem in Wx Edit screen where changing station ID without pressing “Reload Current” could result in weather editing/changes applied to the previous station, not the selected one (1)


  • Fixed problem where “Start P3D” button might not correctly activate and/or be usable when using Prepar3D mode (2)


  • Fixed problem where simulator running detection (station database edits, graphics theme installs, closing AS2012) would not proper identify Prepar3D in some cases (2)


  • Fixed problem where temperature depiction could become erroneous due to bug in “Overcast Ceiling Enhancement” feature (3)


  • Eliminated all use of “Trebuchet MS” font, as this font was being commonly uninstalled (erroneously – this is a standard Windows font) by other programs and causing program load failure of AS2012 (1)


  • Eliminated station KBSM (decommissioned) from locally distributed database (existing users will need to manually disable/remove this station or update their data/download stations from the server using the Wx Options/Edit Station Database tab) in order to have this station ignored



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