2 аэропорта для XP-12


Aerosoft выпустил 2 новых сценария для ХР12:

  1. BERLIN BRANDENBURG V2, владельцам первой версии апгрейд бесплатно.
    New in V2:

    Brand new highly detailed government terminal with reception area for the German Capital ‘s government VIP ‘s including presidents, premier ministers, kings and queens
    Updated several buildings & textures at SXF area like noise barriers, Bundespolizei-building, floodlights, Northgate car park, taxi lights, wigwags and more
    New Terminal 2 and other buildings recently constructed
    New orthophoto (2020)
    Reworked grass and vegetation
    Updated taxiway, apron and stands layout (including the brand-new taxiway G, taxiway C extension, apron 3B and more)
    Reworked pavement textures quality
    Updated taxiway signage
    Optimized road networks and surrounding autogen (incl. X-Europe compatibility option)
    Updated ATC frequencies
    Many small tweaks and fixes

  2. AIRPORT ZURICH V2, владельцам первой версии апгрейд бесплатно.
    New in XP12 version:

    Revised custom mesh (including Ortho4xp patch)
    Revised orthophoto including summer, autumn, and winter versions and normal map
    XP12 3D vegetation for trees and bushes
    Volumetric grass and flowers
    Ground reworker including aerial photo-based dirt map
    Weather effects for wetness, ice, and snow on the ground (XP12 native)
    Full support for seasons (XP12 native, no additional add-ons required)
    Revised lighting
    Additional static cars in the parking lots
    Corrected roads and autogen buildings around the airport

    Newly created buildings and objects with lots of 3D details, partly high resolution 2K textures
    New transparent boarding bridges with glass sides at every gate
    Updated taxiways and parking positions
    Parking position E67 at Dock E with a separate, elevated boarding bridge
    Static Airbus A380 of Emirates Airline, parking at Gate E67
    Enhanced Apron P with additional parking positions
    Jet engine test site with new, large noise absorption hall
    Detailed representation of the airport
    Photo realistic ground textures based on aerial images (0,5m/pixel)
    All buildings and airport facilities
    Photo real textures for buildings, vehicles etc.
    Complete taxiway and runway signage
    «High speed taxiways», allowing for exiting the runway at high speeds
    Great night effects (baked textures + XPlane HDR)
    Animated radar systems and wind hoses
    Animated vehicle traffic at and around the airport
    Animated De-icing Trucks east of Terminal E
    VFR Helper
    Gates A44, A47, A48, A49, A55 with animated Jetways (installed AutoGate Version is needed)
    True to original runway and taxiway lighting
    Traffic routes with ground traffic signage
    Custom Mesh for the Airport Area
    Optimised for good performance (frame rate)

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Летаю на:
AMD Ryzen 7800x3d
/RTX4080 MSI
/64 Gb DDR5 6000
/Win 11 Pro for Workstation

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simFlight Russia
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