Digital Aviation/Aerosoft Piper Cheyenne обновился!

cheyenne_1Вышел SP2 для чрезвычайно удачной и качественной модели легендарного Piper Cheyenne от разработчиков Digital Aviation/Aerosoft, данная версия получила наименование 4.0. Полный спискок изменений и тсправлений можно прочесть после нажатия «далее».

Для всех текущих пользователей данной модели, это не просто обновление, а глубокая переработка продукта, так что перед установкой удалите предыдущую версию. Обновление уже на simMarket, естественно оно бесплатное, а для всех желающих приобщиться к пилотированию данной машины советую посетить страничку продукта и оформить заказ. Самолёт выпускается для обоих симуляторов.

— GPS causes a CTD at first section of a DME Arc leg
— GPS causes a CTD when selecting FPL after a «direct to» was selected on WPT page
— GPS causes a CTD when selecting a SID (runway) on the WPT page
— DME Arc drawing routine fixed
— Wrong drift angle indication on NAV page fixed
— Wrong NM per gallon calculation fixed
— Direct-To functionality fixed
— Hold inbound course selection fixed
— Missing decimal on fuel used display fixed
— Sound volumes save error fixed
— Heading bug can now be controlled by key commands KEY_HEADING_BUG_DEC and KEY_HEADING_BUG_INC (see gauges.h in FS SDK)
— Altitude arm can now be controlled by key command KEY_AP_PANEL_ALTITUDE_HOLD (see gauges.h in FS SDK)
— Selected altitude can now be controlled by key commands KEY_AP_ALT_VAR_INC and KEY_AP_ALT_VAR_DEC (see gauges.h in FS SDK)
— Turning heading bug on co-pilot HSI does no longer change GPS course
— GPS CDI switching to Approach Mode before passing initial waypoint
— Joining of legs in procedures fixed
— One additional issue with intercepting a direct to course fixed
— KEY_AP_ALT_VAR_DEC and KEY_AP_ALT_VAR_INC events for the autopilot pitch control (see gauges.h in FS SDK)
— Fixed a bug which could cause the Trimble to CTD when a SID/STAR/Approach with only one waypoint was selected
— Removed daylight check for night lighting (night lighting can be used at all times now)
— Fixed a problem with multiple identical waypoints in the flight plan (like EDDF — GED — GED — GED — EDDE)
— Added «UseTrimble» configuration switch. See below for details.
— Magnetic variation data is now read directly from Flight Simulator’s magdec.bgl file
— Fixed CDI indication on direct-to legs
— Fixed dome and cabin lighting

— IIXL: AP Warning and Free Gyro annunciators order corrected
— Taxi/Landing Lights exchanged on exterior model (FS9 only)

Flight dynamics:
— Changes on the relationship between throttle position and resulting torque to improve power control in cruise and on ground roll.
— Fine-tuning on idle power and reverse power to have softer acceleration from stops
— Turn radius slightly decreased and less inertia for improved maneuverability on ground
— Pitch sensitivity in cruise slightly decreased for having more stability when flown manually

These things will not be fixed. (Reasons in brackets)
— GPU visible in multiplayer mode (would require a major rework of the model which is currently not possible)
— Pressing Shift+L turns on the landing light (this happens with a delay and I still don’t know why. Please use the light switch instead if you want to avoid the problem)

«UseTrimble» switch
Some users requested this feature in order to put something more modern into the Cheyenne cockpit, so we introduced the UseTrimble switch in PA31.cfg
Here’s what it does:
UseTrimble=1: The Cheyenne uses the Trimble and the GPS/NAV switch works as usual
UseTrimble=0: The Cheyenne uses the default GPS, the GPS/NAV switch works as in the FS default aircraft and the Trimble knobs in VC are hidden.
This allows you to replace the Trimble with something else.

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AMD Ryzen 7800x3d
/RTX4080 MSI
/64 Gb DDR5 6000
/Win 11 Pro for Workstation

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