Simcoders REP — обновление до v2.3

Сlogoалют, камрады!

Спешу донести до вас благую весть. Simcoders зарелизили новую версию своего Reality Expansion Pack сразу на обе модели. Новшеств много, но на мой взгляд, самое интересное — это эффект гипоксии. Кроме того, очередной REP, на Carenado Bonanza V35, выходит на финишную прямую, уже в фазе тестирования, а ребята начинают работу над новым пепелацем — Carenado Beechcraft Baron B58. Подробности под катом.

Собственно новость:

A big salute to all the pilots here!

We are happy to release the new upgrade of the Reality Expansion Pack to version 2.3.

This upgrade is free to all the current users.

It brings a lot of new feature. Among others:

  • New Oil filter simulation: when you change the oil, you’ll need to replace the oil filter too
  • New Oil pump damage simulation: the oil pump may be damaged if you push the oil pressure too high (this may happen in cold weather using thick oil)
  • New Fuel filter simulation: you need to replace the fuel filter after a while or when it’s too dirty
  • New Vacuum pump casual failure simulation: the vacuum pump may suddently stop working. This is not a common failure and won’t happen that much, just like in real life. But beware, if you’re flying in IMC you’ll better have a second plan in case of vacuum-related instrumentation failure.
  • Improved engine priming dynamics: just like it was not realistic enough, the fuel flow during priming and startup is now even more accurate.
  • Improved Cowl Flaps Drag
  • Custom Hypoxia Simulation

On our blog, you find a post with some comparing pictures and a video of the hypoxia:

I hope you guys like it. We always work to improve REP. 🙂

Looking down the road, the V35B is under testing and the work on the B58 is starting. There are many things coming, as always!

Демонстрация эффекта гипоксии.


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